Saturday, January 12, 2008

At Sea
January 11, 2008 (Personal)

Yesterday we were docked in the harbor outside of Panama City. We were offered a chance to escort a tour into the wilds of Panama, riding in dugout canoes to a tribal village. I felt the heat and humidity and decided I would stay home. Carter, however, jumped at the chance and had an adventure. I guess the waves in the river were rather high and those sitting in the front of the canoes (all the escorts) were drenched. The photos are interesting - to see a tribe trying to maintain their culture, but at the same time allow the outside to have a glimpse. I just spoke with one passenger who was on the tour and agreed to get a “temporary” tattoo make with natural dyes. She said she got some on her shirt, as well, but that dye washed out. The dye on her arm seems permanent….She was less than happy, but her husband was yucking it up. She said this was very out of character and is concerned about formal night coming up.

Carter came home from the trip soaking wet and with a dehydration headache. I know I made the correct choice to stay home. He brought home 3 tiny baskets – spending all the money he had on him. (I’ll have to watch how much he takes in his wallet next time.)

We finally got our safe opened. This has been quite a task. I was at dinner with the 2 Filipina doctors and was complaining. They decided to solve this problem and went to the front desk staff (also Filipinas) and got the ball rolling. They tried the “safe cracker” machine, but that didn’t work. Finally, the locksmith was called in after these doctors filled out a work order and voila, the safe was opened this morning!! It is all in who you know.

We are hearing rumors that each passenger had dinner with the captain and several other officers. This is a VERY formal affair, with printed menus, and a gong to announce each courses. Rumor has it that we will be on the list in the next day or so. Yikes!


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