Port Safaga, also known as Bur Safaga, is a town in Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea. Having numerous phosphate mines, it is regarded as a top phosphates export center and a marine port connected by a regular cruise shuttle service line with Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Safaga City is considered one of the most important therapeutic tourist centers, as special medical researches have proved the potential of attracting international tourism to Safaga. The resort is reputable for its unpolluted atmosphere, black sand dunes and mineral springs which are purported to ease rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Safaga has a small but thriving tourism industry, specializing in scuba diving. What was for many years a merchant port, Safaga, with its wide azure bay, long sandy beaches and pretty islands, is now a favorite sports destination in the Red Sea Riviera. It is especially popular among windsurfers, and was the host of the 1993 Red Sea World Windsurfing Championships. For cruise ship guests and tourists alike, Safaga is also a good starting point for a day trip into the Eastern Desert to check out the granite quarries of Mons Claudianus or to Luxor, one of the most impressive sights of Egypt, only 137 miles (220 kilometers) away.
Say it in Arabic
Arabic is the official language of all Middle Eastern countries except for Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and Turkey. There are many differences between the sounds of English and Arabic and therefore, the transliterations of words will not be exact. It is important to know that no matter what dialect of Arabic you speak and how poor your pronunciation, any attempt to communicate with the locals in Arabic will be graciously appreciated.
Hi Marhaba
Hello (response) Ya hala
Goodbye Ma’a Salāma
Please Law samaht
Thank you Shukran
How are you? Kayf hālak?
Pardon/Excuse Me ‘Afwan
Sorry ‘Assif
Do you speak English? Btah-ki inglīzi
I don’t understand Ma bif-ham
Yes Away
No La
How much?
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