Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April 13, 2006

Explorations Speaker Pat Pearson

Pat Pearson, MSSW is in the business of helping people develop their talents and abilities to the fullest. She travels the world sharing her ideas on personal development, offering proven methods for mobilizing individual resources to reach life goals. In her latest book, Stop Self-Sabotage! How to Get out of Your Own Way and Have an Extraordinary Life, Pat shows how to turn self-inflicted sabotage into positive action in order to reach goals, find happiness and be one’s best. Her earlier books include Passion: Reclaiming the Fire in Your Heart, in which she takes readers along seven steps designed to help them reclaim an exuberant zest for life, and You Deserve the Best, which offers a blueprint of increasing self esteem and self confidence. Informative and entertaining, Pat inspires her audiences with presentations that include personal stories and helpful psychological tips. A psychotherapist with more than 25 years experience as a clinical practitioner she now heads Pearson Presentations. She has received wide recognition for her own personal and professional accomplishments. Pat is a graduate of Southern Methodist University and received her Master’s degree in social work from the University of Texas at Arlington. She now lives in Southern California with her husband Steve and dog Guinness.

From the Navigator

On our west-southwest course through the North Atlantic, we will follow the north Equatorial current, providing us with an extra ¼ to 1 knot of speed; we also expect to have the wind in our favor, as we follow the northeast trade winds. Near the Equator is a low-pressure belt, known as the doldrums (sometimes called the Equatorial belt of calms) that lies roughly between latitudes 10° south and 10° north. This will cause the air to be hot and sultry.


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