Tuesday, January 24, 2006

January 23, 2006
Yesterday we were still in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We got off the ship to look for a market so I could buy a hat for the sunny weather here. But we got lost and we didn’t know where it was and mom and dad were arguing about the directions and I am just telling them to go back to where the ship is and ask for directions and also gets some money because dad got off the ship without his wallet. While we were lost, there were these two little girls that run up to mom and dad and started begging them for money. The two little girls fallowed us everywhere. They started calling mom and dad Mommy, Daddy and they started holding dads hand while walking. That experience was very interesting, sad and funny at the same time. The part that was very interesting for me was that the two little girls that were begging were only doing it to mom and dad but never once to me, I thought that was odd. We finally did end up going back to where the ship was and dad went back on the ship and got his wallet while mom and I stayed behind and asked the people in charge question on where to go. There was a guy that helped us and we ended up going on a car to H. Stern’s Jewelry. There we got a tour on how the Jewelries are made. While I was there I bought a hat for myself for 9 dollars it was a bit expensive but I needed it for the sunny days. Anyway we are same and for the next two days we are at sea to reach Montevideo, Uruguay.
Until next time always,


Just a quick note from Winnie. Steve and Freddie Rice joined the ship yesterday and are with us until South Africa. It is SO nice to see someone from home, on top of being fun for us to see someone experience ship life for the first time. Each little event that we have taken as routine is an new adventure for them……We have a knitting group on board. We are knitting for an orphanage in Africa, so the ship provides the yarn and we do the work. I get so much done during each lecture – plus I listen to the lecture even more carefully.



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